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Aston Villa history

Old Boy

master brummie
Hi All

I wonder if any Villa supporter can tell me 'What misfortune befell Aston Vila' towards the end of April 1940?' Sorry that I cannot tell you the exact date.

Old Boy
I think you are on the ball Big Fella.
Him Big Fella

Of course you are right. Sorry I have taken so long to get back to you. HMS Aston Villa was an anti submaeine trawler in The Royal Navy. Several such ships were named after football clubs.
Old Boy
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A dear old uncle, who died many years ago, and a lifetime Villa fan, (bless him), always said that Aston Villa started World War 2 because they beat a German team! As any American will tell you, World War 2 started in December 1941!!

More seriously, my question is: Did Aston Villa beat a German team just before WW2? Eddie
Eddie...the answer to the question is 'yes' Villa did beat a German Select X1 not once but twice on a three-match tour to Germany in May 1938 and there's a cracking true story to it. For the first match, in Berlin, there was a 70,000 crowd on a sizzling hot day, and the Villa players were required, by German officials and the British Embassy diplomats to give the German salute before the kick-off. In the dressing room before the kick-off the Villa lads went potty but a week earlier an England team had played there and had reluctantly given way to avoid an international incident with war imminent. However Villa declined and then went out and beat a virtual international line-up on the field. The German High Command was not at all happy about the refusal to do the Heil Hitler bit, so for the next match, in Stuttgart, the British Ambassador almost begged the Villa to oblige this time to try an avoid Europe being plunged into WW2. Still it was 'no way' among the Villa lads but they cooked up a cunning ploy. As a 'compromise' (described by one of the players, Eric Houghton, later) they would mix in a good old fashioned British two-fingered salute and that's what they did. The German crowd, believing that the English had been forced to submit, gave a huge round of applause. Little did they realise that Villa were actually saying: 'Not on your Nellie, Mr. Hitler...Up yours.....' They then went out and won again but later, sadly lost the third match of the tour. By then, though, they had illustrated firmly that Brits don't bow at the knee that easily....Cheers.... Dennis S
Thanks for the response....For any interested old Villa fans out there Villa's party on that tour (arranged by the famous Villa coach Jimmy Hogan who had been Austria's international coach in the 1930s) included the likes of Frankie Broome (an all-time hero of mine), Eric Houghton (1957 FA Cup-winning manager), the well-known 'baldies' George Cummings, Ernie 'Mush' Callaghan and Bob Iverson, Jimmy Allen, Freddie Haycock, Alex Massie (early post-war manager), Frank Shell and Ronnie Starling. Some of those, of course, must have fought against those footballing opponents later in the war. Crazy, eh? Reminds us of the famous Xmas day match between the warring enemies in a lull between blowing each other to bits.... Dennis
Dennis, that is a wonderful story, and obviously the matches that my uncle was referring to. I felt sure that you would have the answer, and - bingo! As a seven year old when WW2 commenced, I almost believed him! I do recall all of the players that you mentioned. Eric Houghton, a fine player; George Cummings, the hard man; Frank Broome, a great scorer of goals; the list goes on. Thanks for your wonderful sporting knowledge, Eddie
Eddie. It is amazing how many Yanks, do think WW2 started with the Pearl Harbour bombing! They have not a clue about what we as nippers went through the previous two plus years in England. Now when I share photos of the bombings where I lived they are very surprised. Paul, my son who is now a US Navy pilot and Captain, a WW2 buff, knows all to well the suffering that we went through, I only wish more people over here would take the time to study the horrors of war. I can only pray that the world has learnt that NO ONE WINS in any war and will prevent any future wars. John Crump OldBrit. Parker. Co USA01_Vera_Rd..jpg01_Vera_Rd..jpg
Hi All,

I am a life long supporter of Birmingham City F.C. (The Blues). However I am pleased that Villa have reached the Cup Final and I sincerely hope that they win it. This area (The West Midlands) badly needs a successful team who can compete regularly with those from London and the North West. For years now just four teams have dominated the headlines both here and abroad. So come on Villa just show them that we down here have still got a bit of bottle.

Old Boy
Hi All,

I am a life long supporter of Birmingham City F.C. (The Blues). However I am pleased that Villa have reached the Cup Final and I sincerely hope that they win it. This area (The West Midlands) badly needs a successful team who can compete regularly with those from London and the North West. For years now just four teams have dominated the headlines both here and abroad. So come on Villa just show them that we down here have still got a bit of bottle.

Old Boy
Hi All,
Oh Dearie me! Villa lost final 4-0 and then get relegated the following season. However. thank the Lord for Leicester City who, after all, are a Midland side even if it is the East Midlands.
Old Boy
Hi All,
Oh Dearie me! Villa lost final 4-0 and then get relegated the following season. However. thank the Lord for Leicester City who, after all, are a Midland side even if it is the East Midlands.
Old Boy
Reluctantly talking about football, i have a question, "Why do footie players pull such ugly faces when they score a goal" ? Perhaps it`s their way of justifying the obscene wages they get. Put them all on the minimum wage & we`ll see who really loves footie & not the money.
Reluctantly talking about football, i have a question, "Why do footie players pull such ugly faces when they score a goal" ? Perhaps it`s their way of justifying the obscene wages they get. Put them all on the minimum wage & we`ll see who really loves footie & not the money.
Smudger. If you do not like football fair enough but why bother to comment on it at all? Stick to subjects that really interest you. There are millions of people around the world who do love the game eg the Euros now despite the hooligans who disgrace the name of football. It is said that Prince William and David Cameron support the Villa . I will give a fiver (it is all I can afford) to anyone who can provide proof that they have sat alongside either of those gentlemen at Villa Park.
Old Boy
Smudger. If you do not like football fair enough but why bother to comment on it at all?
Old Boy
Old Boy,
We live in a democracy. I love footie, just not the modern game. I played footie for my school & also the Army. These days i would rather watch schoolboy footie, having said that, it seems the kids have also adopted the "ugly face" when they score a goal. Sad. Whatever happened to humility.
Great picture. Does the anchor depicted on the crest perhaps represent the Birmingham hallmark denoting the Villa are based in our great city?

Just what is the story behind this decoration? The Villa crest has a Lion but none seen here.

The Great Yarmouth Arms has 3 lions whose bodies appear to be fish. The Anchor is the Birmingham hallmark, but why the leaves that may be laurel, the rope? And does the top represent castles?
It was obviously with other badges - what were they? Also where exactly was it? I too wondered if the anchor was a hallmark. Also if there was a "craft" connection as in ship or similar.
Just what is the story behind this decoration? The Villa crest has a Lion but none seen here.

The Great Yarmouth Arms has 3 lions whose bodies appear to be fish. The Anchor is the Birmingham hallmark, but why the leaves that may be laurel, the rope? And does the top represent castles?

I think that the rope is just a border seen on most naval ships badges as are the sails of the ships above the crest, I don't think they're castles. The laurel wreath I can't give a rational explanation for other than they are awarded to winners but I too would have thought the famous Villa Lion would have been depicted.