The current company, GKN plc, was incorporated as Guest, Keen and Co Limited on 9th July 1900 on the merger of the Dowlais Iron Company with Arthur Keen's Patent Nut and Bolt Company, a business which had been set up in 1856 in Smethwick, England. In 1902 the Company acquired Nettlefolds Limited, one of the world's leading manufacturers of screws and fasteners, a business which had also been set up at Smethwick in 1854. Following the acquisition of Nettlefolds the Company changed its name to Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds Limited.
At that time Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds was one of the largest manufacturing businesses in the world, involved in every process from coal and ore extraction to iron and steel making and finally to finished products including the nuts, bolts, screws and fasteners for which it was then famous.
The business changed its focus over the last 25 years of the 20th century in response to fundamental shifts in its traditional markets.
John Guest lived in Brosley, Shropshire then moved to Wales with his family, his grandson Ivor Bertie Guest 1835-1914 became 1st Baron Wimborne and was married to Lady Cornelia Henrietta Maria Spencer-Churchill, daughter of John Spencer-Churchill. 7th Duke of Marlborough. There was a story in my family that we were related to G.K.N. but apart from an Ann guest who married my G.G.Grandfather Samuel peters at the Parish Church of Brosley in 1842 I have been unable to establish a link. if there is any substance to this story we were probably the poor relations.
Hi Dave
Derek Biggs I was an apprentice from 1961 to 1966 any workmates names?
I don't think you were in the CTO but the Methods dept. What years were you there? Dynaflow was the high tech forging depot with Raycarl M/cs. After leaving GKN I went to the company which sold Malmedie M/cs.
Do you not remember Ray Beaman & Billy Jordan?
Who were the other apprentices in your year?
Cheers. Dave
You certainly deserve to be proud of both your parents and especially yourself.My father Eric Johnson who sadly passed away in 1999 worked for GKN Screws and Fasteners for approx 41 years before retiring at the age of 55 . He was Chief Instructor for the Heath street/St Georges site when he retired. He spent 12 months in India just before I was born and then after returning to the UK served another 6 months service in Pakistan - training raw employees in tool setting etc. He was good friends with the likes of Len Price etc. He was also Shop steward for the White collar workers union at the time. My Uncle Ray Johnson also worked there as a tool setter IIRC. My mother who is now 90 lost a finger working at GKN when she was 14-15 at the commencement of ww11 and Joe Harris took her to Hospital. Me... well ... how Terry Ryder and Arthur Jacobs et-al never sacked me I will never know... I was a tear away sheetmetalworker based in site services who after completing my apprenticeship went on to build what is now one of the most highly regarded architectural metalwork companies in the UK.... All thanks to the handing down of skills and training this once great establishment provided.
Best Regards Ian Johnson