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    • DotF
      DotF replied to the thread Walton.
      Once again, thank you for all the information you have shared with me. I will pass this on to my friend and maybe he will be able to...
    • DotF
      DotF reacted to MWS's post in the thread Walton with Appreciate Appreciate.
      That appears to be correct, daughter of James and Sarah.
    • DotF
      DotF replied to the thread Walton.
      Hi Alberta. Thank you - I'm thinking that it should be 1839? I have looked at the baptism register for St Phillips and see that it has...
    • DotF
      DotF replied to the thread Walton.
      Thank you. The image that was sent to my husband was a little faded and now I look at it again it could easily be September 23rd. We...
    • DotF
      DotF replied to the thread Walton.
      Apparently Sarah was buried on 5th February 1858 aged 8 years - parents Joseph and Hannah Walton
    • DotF
      DotF replied to the thread Walton.
      Thanks for the info. Have found it on Ancestry. I was assuming that the two children recorded on the page were sisters. Problem is, I...
    • DotF
      I've got that picture too. That's me third from the left - top row.
    • DotF
      Yes I remember that walk. I walked with my then boyfriend Dave. Can't remember why but we were late starting and, as we were walking...
    • DotF
      DotF posted the thread Walton in U - Z.
      A friend of mine has a small New Testament with the following handwritten entries:- Sarah Walton Born December 23rd 1849 Emma Eliza...
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