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H.p.sauce History

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The actor Dinsdale Landen died a few days ago. Some years ago he wrote a short but interesting history of H.P. with his wife Jennifer Daniel.Touring the country and staying at theatrical 'digs' there would always be a bottle of H.P. on the breakfast table.
Try your local lbrary for a copy.
:D Just a thought, Jennifer Daniel was she a member of the Daniel family who were 'Life With The Lion's' . I think it was Jack Daniels his wife Beeby and their son Bobby, there was also a daughter? Have I got it completely wrong and also hope I'm not of topic!
I read the book when we first started the Aston web site I found it a very interesting book I borrowed it from Kingstanding library you will find the story of the book on the main site and how it all ties up with Manor Vinegar we have diagrams and stories about both business's
Jennifer Daniel

Hi there Pom
I think you must be thinking of Ben Lyons & his wife Bebe Daniels, their childrens names were if I remember correctly Richard & Barbara. Life with the Lyons was a very popular radio series in the fifties. Sunday lunchtime listening along with Ted Ray, The Navy Lark & Arround the Horn.
Alan Cook :P 8)
The daughter was named Barbara Lyon,and the son was Richard.
I saw on the news today that the H P site has been bought by another food company, East End Foods, a company that imports and processes spices, mostly Asian. So spiced foods will return to the old site. A new aroma for the Aston nostrils to savour. Lets hope this one lasts as long and becomes as famous.
Robert the other good thing is that they are offering jobs to HP employees that that were made redundant and are willing to train them for their new positions. Jean.
It will be sacred the biggest dome will be brums land mark
best wishes astonian ;;
This is just rumour at the moment Astonian and I really can't see any investment on that scale in the current financial climate.
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Good morning alberta
this comment came from the consortium of the owners whom own east end foods and they made that statement on the bbc news whilst they was doing an interview with the commenater at the grounds and the fromt gates looking across the baron land and in there words they want to restore the old food factory back to its gloriuus days of employing
hundred of its old employees and teach them processof the foods
and during the conversation one of them we will build a big dome and make it a land mark in birmingham on top of the factory so where you could have seen the land mark insigure of hp sign youwill see the big dome bigger thanany one in birmingham is what one of the consortium members have said in interview so one can only draw ones conclusion
as to what will be have a nice day alberta best wishes astonian;;
Astonian,I am sorry I did not see that news item but I have just spoken to someone who did and they said that indeed one of the land owners who was speaking to the reporter did say that they hoped to build the highest landmark in Birmingham.
Hope you enjoy this lovely spring day,Alberta
a snippet of hp history
The original recipe for HP Sauce was invented and developed by Frederick Gibson Garton, a grocer from Nottingham. He registered the name H.P. Sauce in 1896. Garton called the sauce HP because he had heard that a restaurant in the Houses of Parliament had begun serving it. For many years the bottle labels have carried a picture of the Houses of Parliament. Garton sold the recipe and HP brand for the sum of £150 and the settlement of some unpaid bills to Edwin Samson Moore. Moore, the founder of the Midlands Vinegar Company (the forerunner of HP Foods) subsequently launched HP Sauce in 1903. Some stories suggest that the name HP was derived from the name Harry Palmer.
Do you remember the French words on the side of an HP sauce bottle label?
It began: "Cette sauce de haute qualite est un melange des espice orientaux..."

Well, someone has set it to music as a parody of French love songs.
A bit of a dark picture, but 'amusant', none the less!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1omZZv2opg"]YouTube - Ancient French love song/Wounded John Scott Cree - live at Brighton 1976[/ame]
Do you remember the French words on the side of an HP sauce bottle label?
It began: "Cette sauce de haute qualite est un melange des espice orientaux..."

Well, someone has set it to music as a parody of French love songs.
A bit of a dark picture, but 'amusant', none the less!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1omZZv2opg"]YouTube - Ancient French love song/Wounded John Scott Cree - live at Brighton 1976[/ame]


thanks for the plug. You might find the studio version more amusant at


with best wishes

I could'nt believe my eyes the other night watched a "Bostin" film The road to perdition with tom hanks, anyway in the dinner car scene where the hit man has caught up to tom on the table of the diner is an old bottle of HP sauce?? given whenever I have been in the states and tryed to get a bottle for my bacon butties I have always been met with blank stares, so my flabber was properly gasted to see it in the film.
I was out shopping yesterday and I looked at the H P sauce, not to buy 'cause since the company was moved by Heinz to Holland I wouldn't touch it. What I found interesting was that on the label it said "Made in Spain" . Comments please.
A few weeks ago our local Tesco had a offer on HP, kind of tasting session, but the bottles were marked, "Made in the
Netherlands, wouldnt touch them with a barge pole, we should boycott all those who move, or take work away from this
country,we are too bl####dy soft, Bernard
A few weeks ago our local Tesco had a offer on HP, kind of tasting session, but the bottles were marked, "Made in the
Netherlands, wouldnt touch them with a barge pole, we should boycott all those who move, or take work away from this
country,we are too bl####dy soft, Bernard

I wonder what country your TV was made in, or your car, or your toaster, or your washing machine.

Where were the last apples you brought grown, or the last lamb you bought.

And is your bank owned by a UK company or is it foreign owned like Santader or HSBC.

If we boycotted everything you mention there would not be much left to buy.
Slightly off topic but my car was made in Derbyshire at Toyota, where my son-in law works, so I hope I have helped him and his BRITISH colleagues in their future employment, As I couldn't afford a Morgan or an Aston Martin. and as there no reasonable priced BRITISH mass produced car company's left we have no choice.
do,s any one remember the cruchley family that worked at HP ,im friends with cliff crutchley who with his dad was blacksmith at HP,also his moms brother s worked ther the moss family,
I remember them well, Cliff the dad died at work. I was a driver working at the H P at the time. The blacksmith shop was up the top yard, as was the transport.
A few weeks ago our local Tesco had a offer on HP, kind of tasting session, but the bottles were marked, "Made in the
Netherlands, wouldnt touch them with a barge pole, we should boycott all those who move, or take work away from this
country,we are too bl####dy soft, Bernard

It may well be my imagination, but I would just like to say anyway, that since the production moved from Birmingham, HP Sauce tastes like I would imagine cat's pee to. I only bought one bottle mind you, so maybe it was that which was a bit orf like.

Anyone else noticed the difference in taste?
It may well be my imagination, but I would just like to say anyway, that since the production moved from Birmingham, HP Sauce tastes like I would imagine cat's pee to. I only bought one bottle mind you, so maybe it was that which was a bit orf like.

Anyone else noticed the difference in taste?

It comes out the bottle like cats pee as well. I,ve gone right off it and any other sauce that,s in a plastic bottle that you have to turn upside down and squeeze its not for me, give me a nice glass bottle that you turn upside down and nothing comes out anytime. Dek
There is a trick with these squeeze type sauce bottles,

Unscrew the top and pour it out as you normaly would.

Simple eh? One of the grandkids showed me that one.

l avoided them for years as l always ended up with far more than l wanted on my plate.

( The bottles not the grandkids )
Hi Pamela
Cliff Crutchley is my cousin, his father was my Uncle Clifford and his mother my Aunty Nancy - Hannah Moss