Since I found out Ernest Walter Beston was an Aston boy and delving into his past, his life story has gripped me like no other and more needs to be told, and as far as I am aware it’s nice to have a research project that you can call your own which I think I can claim. Skirting over the things I have already said, about his father being an engine driver in 1851 whose pay packet must have been beyond the average in those days in Brum
Through legacies or by other means Ernest (who I shall call E.W.B.for now on) was and grew up quite well off.
His father put him into King Edwards Grammar School as he knew that education was a way forward in life, and it was from there he learnt the skills that controlled his life.
He chose a career where he could use his wits so he went into the “Newspaper World”
As a so called Journalist who also learnt the printing trade which he eagerly learnt and got to know the in’s and out’s of the advertising trade….So in his late 20’s E.W.B. decided to branch out on his own and with a little help from his father established a his first business as “Ernest Beston Sporting Agency”, 9 Hayden Chambers 83 High Street and Bestons Advertising Agency at 25A Paradise Street in 1903-4-5 -7 which was a turf accountancy business which little did he know he was to become the biggest advertiser of the time..
During this period in his life he was living at "Hillfield" Forest Road Moseley and his other address at "Navarino" Sandon Road Edgebaston
In a few years E.W.B was in the big time and money was rolling in, in an extraordinary amount. And he quickly moved to the heart of his beloved city, Corporation Street and took over the 3rd floor of the Ruskin Buildings.
Bestons Publishing Company Agency
Then The Britannic Publishing Company telegram address "Wideawake" (which I have checked to be correct)
And The Palladium Ltd. Advertising Agency in 1920
His business became so big he employed nearly 200 girl clerks at 191 Corporation St. who had the pleasure to go to Fernwood for the Annual New Year Party which E.W.B. loved.It was hard to believe at the time but the post office was overwhelmed with the mail that was coming in to his offices and for a company at that time to have 130 typewriters on the go it say’s a lot for the business that was coming in. The mail just ground to a halt so E.W.B. soon settled the problem and the Royal Mail had special vans to collect and deliver his mail.
But all was not well for E.W.B. and he was always in the law courts defending himself against betting transactions and lost on court action and had to pay a fine of £8.000 which was a huge amount in those days and his name was banded about in the local and nationwide press ……
The Paper “Truth” published an article claiming that E.W.B. was advertising under 52 different aliases as a Tipster…E.W.B. fought many court action against himself and paid out a great deal of money.
But by E.W.B.’s reckoning he was racking in the money and bought "Fernwood" which he enlarged and spent a great deal of money on, also building a gaming room in "Fernwood"
Since the Little Black book has come into my hands I have tried hard to analyze it, as E.W.B. had wrote it, but he had wrote it in such a way that you have to separate fact from fiction (in the style of Rudyard Kipling) at this moment in time I will not or try to analyze the Black Book..and will leave it for a later date.
But E.W.B. did break the bank of Monte Carlo (but this is open to misinterpretation, by today’s standards) and his Palladium System did work …..