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Hobbies 2015 - 2019

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I haven't got the talent to create paintings so use my computer to add colour to old pics. On computer screens the picture is made up of tiny squares (pixels) and it is interesting watching the computer pour the colour on, deciding which colour goes in each pixel, and how saturated it should be. My laptop doesn't like the over exposed blank skies seen in many old pics so usually bungs in a nice blue sky with clouds but has trouble with overhead tram wires ....;)

As I remember it

As a camera saw it in 1952
This photo. I suggest, is June 1952, prior to the closure of the Bristol Road tram routes. Car 752, built 1926 was scrapped in 1952. Car 842, the penultimate car owned by the Corporation is running as a Special Car service. This tram and the last one (843) were often hired by specialise groups for tours of the Birmingham system which were recently closed or about to be closed. 842, built in 1929, was classed a a lightweight car and withdrawn July 1952.
The Evening Despatch and Co-Op (CWS) were frequent ones to be seen on the cities transport.
Absolutely agree, hobbies are a key part of that good day feeling. I watched my own dad almost squander his retirement for lack of meaningful things to do.

I took up woodworking (amongst a few other things I do) when I retired and can honestly say, I have never had a dull day. I have made quite a lot of things like decorative boxes, furniture and a few acoustic guitars.

Only just come across this thread, Morturn if you feel like making any more guitars keep me posted I'll buy one of you
oldMohawk, you say you have not the talent for painting, have you tried ? you might surprise yourself, its not that difficult. Eric
I think this a great idea. Having come back to Birmingham after spending most of my life in South Africa, ( parents emigrated there when I was seven. 60 now ) I have found it difficult to make friends. The people of Brum are very friendly and cheerful, but have left it too late to make close friends. I am always on the lookout for groups that meet and share their interest in a hobby they are involved with. Boredom is a killer. You can only have so much of, being it tv, reading, computer etc. Human contact is vital. I am researching my family history, love knitting, reading, music and used to do a lot of walking until arthritis has finally put and end to that. Love this site. Ann.

Just noticed your post bellabee , we're here . Where are you ?
Visiting W H Smith at a number of locations in the south-east over recent weeks I have noticed that there are now literally dozens of colouring books on sale for so-called anti-stress art therapy. These books have a range of intricate patterns, flowers, leaves etc. which one has to spend time colouring-in.
The idea is that the focus on colouring keeps you "in the moment" and therefore this calms your mind. Sometimes they are labelled as "mindfulness colouring books". Is this all a bit New Age or has someone tried them and found them useful? I haven't bought one myself yet but I am tempted. Dave.
Visiting W H Smith at a number of locations in the south-east over recent weeks I have noticed that there are now literally dozens of colouring books on sale for so-called anti-stress art therapy. These books have a range of intricate patterns, flowers, leaves etc. which one has to spend time colouring-in.
The idea is that the focus on colouring keeps you "in the moment" and therefore this calms your mind. Sometimes they are labelled as "mindfulness colouring books". Is this all a bit New Age or has someone tried them and found them useful? I haven't bought one myself yet but I am tempted. Dave.

Hi, I have a couple of them , it started with me buying my granddaughter a couple and we would colour together then I decided I liked doing them so bought some colouring pencils and a couple of books for myself, I often sit and colour I find it very relaxing .
I always enjoyed colouring as a child, and was about to embark on a purchase. However, I found an ipad app called COLORFY and enjoy this immensly. No need a lot of money to be spent on accessories etc. May invest in the future when I have more time to enjoy.

Also thinking of going on a crafting holiday to THE MANOR HOUSE HOTEL in Devon. Not been before, but so much to do - really interested in this.

Hi Jane, My sister lives in Devon and went to The Manor House Hotel with a friend of hers for a few days they loved it, lots of things to do to exercise, also relaxation, facials, massages etc and craft work.
oldMohawk, you say you have not the talent for painting, have you tried ? you might surprise yourself, its not that difficult. Eric
Hi Eric,
I did try painting when I retired about ten years ago and realised I had no talent for it.
I use a freebie program to add colour to pics and could probably do better with a 'paid-for' program but who knows. I only do it for fun and relaxation and am probably just as interested in how the computer picks out areas to colour after the controls are set. I notice how the old photos mostly show skies as blank white areas and how the scene seems to change when a coloured cloudy sky is added. As you already know I also have FSX to play with.
I do a fair bit of walking but computing keeps my old brain active ...
oldMohawk, Yes I walk a lot with my dog, 5 times a day. When I paint from old B/W pics I notice the skies are blank/white too, I put my own skies in to suit the mood of the painting. Eric
I suspect that the old photos you mention were taken using orthochromatic film. This was virtually insensitive to red light, tending to give a dark response, and very sensitive to blue, which might make the sky appear white
I amused myself adding colour to a 1981 Birmingham Saturday afternoon pic.
I remember when it was like this and Lewis's was open.

A camera saw it in greyscale.

And Google's pic in 2018 shows most buildings still there but buses go the opposite way.
Great photos, colour and grey. That's more like how I remember town was when I was a nipper.
can you change the colour of my white car to green,lol:laughing::laughing:
Could change the colour and remove dents and scratches. I use freebie software, just imagine what an expert with proper software could do! :grinning:
Great photos, colour and grey. That's more like how I remember town was when I was a nipper.
Looking at the 1981 scene most of those people boarding the buses would be paying in cash. In the Google pic I'm wondering what is the purpose of that rail on the top front corner of the bus ?
Could change the colour and remove dents and scratches. I use freebie software, just imagine what an expert with proper software could do! :grinning:

Looking at the 1981 scene most of those people boarding the buses would be paying in cash. In the Google pic I'm wondering what is the purpose of that rail on the top front corner of the bus ?
very well done. i used psp3/6. years ago,had some fun with that program.
Could change the colour and remove dents and scratches. I use freebie software, just imagine what an expert with proper software could do! :grinning:

Looking at the 1981 scene most of those people boarding the buses would be paying in cash. In the Google pic I'm wondering what is the purpose of that rail on the top front corner of the bus ?
To protect the near side upper deck front from damage by trees and protruding obstacles.
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To protect the near side upper deck front from damage by tress and protruding obstacles.
They don't use the old open top to cut back the trees and Birmingham is certainly a city of trees. Alan didn't they use one of the FOP Guys at one time or was it a 1930s piano front in the rebuilt utility body?
When you,'ve dealt with all the cars, let's think big the house inside and out!!!

I can't say about BCT tree loppers without looking things up Bob. I would say both types of old bus was used; the old AEC's were petrol engined and the Guys were diesel. Post WW2 both were expendable as passenger vehicles. Both types, some of the old AEC's got austerity bodies, were used in driver training as you probably know.
Exeter City had an EFJ registered PD1 for tree lopping and DG used one of the pre-war OD 78XX AEC's. I saw both, in fact drove the Exeter one at an open day.
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I don't know if it is appropriate to mention the TV channel "Createandcraft", it's a shopping channel available on Freeview. They often have demonstrations of the various modern colouring pens and techniques.
(I like to watch cardmaking, patchwork and embroidery!).
(Please delete if this post isn't allowed!)
We don't have craft channels in Australia.used to years ago but now it is all stupid reality ?? tv so I spend a lot of my time crafting >I love watching Jodie Johnson on facebook and a couple of other craft shows on f/book but my main hobbies are card making,scrapbooking,making handmade jewellery and trying out new craft ideas for my daughter who is an Activities Co-ordinator at a retirement village. I see something suitable .,make it and she then demonstrates to the elderly and they make it. my other hobby is reading. I have very diverse. tastes and because my children don't use their library cards mum does.borrow about 40 books which last me about two weeks,can borrow for3 and then renew for another 3 if not finished.
My da
Prior to making this post I have browsed the " forum " threads.
I'm wondering if a dedicated thread on " hobbies " might be appropriate. I'm thinking of the folk who might be searching for something useful and /or creative that they might be able to take an interest in and up that good day feeling.
I was recently in conversation with two care nurses who specialise in caring for the elderly. They both expressed the view that many of their patients had at one time lost the ability to " fill in the day " and had lost the feeling of accomplishment and usefulness.
They told me, to combat this, they make great efforts to get their patients involved in suitable hobbies.
They also expressed the opinion that once a " suitable " hobby had been introduced that the patients " quality of life " considerably improved.
Got me thinking that there might be a number of the forums members and guests who might be interested in a thread which hopefully would introduce " hobby ideas " and
" hobby accomplishments ".
What might be the thoughts on such a thread ?
Note : Please accept apologies if such a subject thread already exists.
My daughter is an Activities Co Ordinator at a retirement village in Australia and she has said the same thing where as before they all used to sit around watching tv or playing bingo now they actually look forward to their Friday craft day. I look up things on the net that I think are suitable and make a prototype up.write instructions and then she demonstrates it and has them make it. She currently only has 1 day a week with them but is hopeful of full time position later in the year
I love being part of this as at 71 I think I have a fair idea of what is suitable.
Hello everyone I am thinking of having a go at a tapestry. I am pretty good with the sowing pin, but I know its a lot more than threading a needle. I have been on the internet but for me they make it look a lot harder than it really is. We will see.
Hello everyone I am thinking of having a go at a tapestry. I am pretty good with the sowing pin, but I know its a lot more than threading a needle. I have been on the internet but for me they make it look a lot harder than it really is. We will see.

Hi Hattie, good luck with your tapestry. i did tapestry years ago and loved it, over the years i have also done quilting making memory quilts , I also made a lot of rag dolls at one time. Had a number of the colouring books which I do now and again and am now making beeswax wraps haha Nice to have a go at what you feel like and keep busy.
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