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Wainwright Street Aston


gone but not forgotten
does any-body recall any of the familys down wainwright st aston
the lee family the albert goodmams family the standleys roberts family
there was some big familys at the time down henshaws and the bagshaws
towards the botom end by park st by the foundry
best wishes astonian ;;
When I worked at Mavis's hairdressers there was a girl called Jill Bott and she lived in Wainwright st she had a brother cant recall his name.
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How Are You Today Fine I Hope ? ,
Yes I Certainly Remember The Botts, They Lived Closed To Brenda Lee
And The Brother Used To Play With Us Up At The Cafe At The Top Of The
Street In The Cafe With Another Lad Whos Mom Owned The Cafe
Is Mom Used To Own The Cafe By The Horse Trough
He Would Fetch All His Dinky Cars Down From The Bed room
There Was Another Girl Whom Used To Play With Us Fom Portland Street And Queenie Brant Whom Owned The Other Tea Rooms
In Portland St Oppersite Buttons Factory ;
I Will Try And Remember His Name i Knew Most Familys Down There AND Up The Gully Between Wainwrite St And Lichfield RD
Have A Nice Day Best Wishes ASTONIAN;;
I'm fine thanks and yourself? I still see Jill when all us girls from the shop meet up, I did put a photo on of us all mavis and the girls I think it was on Birmingham night clubs of the past post 611 Jill is the one with short grey hair, I only posted it the other day.
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Thanks patty i wil draw it up
and give her a look over see how she as changed
take care , astonian '
the Neal family lived a couple doors away from Dyson hall.
And i went out with a young lady called Cathy Reddington who lived a short way up From Dyson hall no house numbers sorry
hi robb
i remember her and she was a friend of my three cousins
whom lived at no 10 val .sheila christine marsden there old man my uncle fromwigan was there dad worked at ansells as drayman on aston x she was just before the little shopthat was there one of my younger brothers dave marrid one of the bagshaws
from aropund the corner and val married one of the henshaws [ roger ]
more or less across the rd they say its a small world just of late i am begining to beleive it best wishes astonian ;;
My parents use to live in wainwright st, at number 26, we lived there until 1973, Len, and Barbara Busby,there were six children, there was also a family that lived across the road from us called John Bird, who had two daughters carol and pauline,and my nan and grandad use to live at the top of wainwrightstreet, can,t remember what number, i remember the guly that headed up to lichfield road, my father often traveled this to go to the Britania public house.
Hi Astonian,
A lot of kids from St Mary's used to live in that area but I don't know if they lived in Wainwright St. This would be around 1950-55.
Freddie Martin
Malcom Brooks
Margaret Chorley
Phyllis Blizzard
Michael Taber
Raymond Hawkins

Do you recognise any of these names?
Yes i can recall one or two of them and the others was catherine st just before portland st then wainwright st
i used to play and mix in wainwright st mainly with the goodmans and the lee,s
there front door was always open wide and the great music used to bellow out
my two best mates was the goodmans and col gaskin ,and ray whom mom ran the cafe at the top of wainwright st , dave do you remember the cup of cocco we got in the mornining and the little bottle of milk in the afternoons i was one of the milk monitors there takng the milk around to the classes
and we had fights with the sargents up the alley between wainwright st and lichfield rd
good old days .. nice to hear from you again dave ,best wishes alan ;;
On the 1911 census my gt grandmother Emma Jane RUMBLE (nee Missen) was living at 91 Wainwright with her 3 sons and 1 daughter. She listed herself as a Charwoman and a widow but her husband was still alive after leaving in 1900 for Australia. Emma had a widowed boarder living with them by the name of Pardoe and her son and daughter.

When Emma's husband boarded the ship for Australia, I don't think he was aware that she was expecting their 4th child which he never saw.
How are you keeping fine i hope , john ; i most certainly remember your family
the busby,s from wainwright street and the birdies and the goodmans the lees they always
had there front door open blasting there radio gram and playing brenda lees record ; no -they are not related as far as i am aware but they loved there music
would you remember the kid at the top of the street by the name of raymond
his mom used to drive the old morris oxford car and any of us whom was a friend of this ray would get a ride in it and go to the cash and carry with her
when we got back to the cafe his mom would tell him to get all his dinky cars out and play at the bottom end of the shop away from all the customers
my mate and myself used to have a gang war fare with the kids up the gully especial with the sargents family
they was always playing with the kids from the gully, there was a girl named emma but i cannot think of her surname she lived down the big opening facing buttons there was a gang of kids from down that opening but i just cannot put the name to faces do you remember the gang that lived down the botom end of the street they always had a big bonfire at this precise time i cannot remember there names i can see there faces now
and i used to go to the life bouys in dyson hall and my two oldr brothers was in the BB At dyson hall
john they was the good old days i reckon nice to know youbare an aston boy i think there is only afew left now
but there again i suspect hey ain,t heard of our forum yet but they are all spread over the place ; what do you reckoon
i lived around the corner by the other pub and old gal barnes ; and aston the cake shop next to thompsons
there was a rake of us up that terrace the one with to great big balls of concrete on each pillar side by sid of the terrace
well john it was nice to hear from you and i really did know your parents from way ; way ; back
it,s a small but crowded world we live in ; best wishes astonion ;;
HI Do you remeber the crawfords from 77 wainwright street, aston, any photos please
Thanks mike g
Hi Astonian do you remember a family by the name of crawford that lived at 77 wainwright street my friend minni crawford
was born in that street in 1926 the crawford's had 14 children!

thanks mikeg
I Most certainly recall the busbys a little kid her brother we went to school ;
and i think the crawfords lived afew doors from the lee,s family ;they always had there front door open and blasting the radio gram
and the goodmans annd afew other familys my mate mother ran the coffee shop at the top of the rd
i can recall the crawfords as well ; best wishes astonian;;
My grandfather William Shackleford was born at 78 Wainwright St and he lived there until around the end of the 1920s. I think he lived on the west side of the street perhaps more towards the northern end. His house is long gone, but I have never seen any old photos of Wainwright St, all I have to go one is what exists today.
my wife used to live on Litchfield road and she remembers when dyson hall was burnt down around about 1966
hi toast
I Have just read your thread on dyson hall thats very sad news to me an other people whom knew it and used it ;
in fact it was two days ago another member and myself was meeting each other and was only discussing it the other day ;
was it under demolition ; or was it accidentental or arson ; would you know if thee was any reports in the news paper about it ;
i am very intrested i finding out about this was it till in use ?
our gang of brothers was uin the boys brigade there and i was in the life bouys as well for many years and done our choir pratice thee as well and done a lot of shows was put on there and lots of gymnastics shows and plays and the locals would come and whatch us that is bad news ;
what number on lichfield rd was you living on;? we was 5/92 lichfield rd next to aston cake shop and thompsons the butchers
our living room wall was the other side of the slaughter wall of thompsons its unbelevial of good old dyson hall
thanks or that info; best wishes Astonian;
Hi Astonian I lived on Litchfield road next to the chiropodist when Dyson hall was burnt down it was arson and just left derelict and abandoned. I also remember going over to Thompson to get the fresh scratchings for my Dad . Johns family 133 Litchfield road . my Mom used to work in the gun makers arms. best wishes Toast
Yes i recall the big family in wainwrght street along with the roberts ; and the goodmans and the lees ; there is more familys i know but just off the top of my head at this precise moment in time i cannot just think of any more but i recall the big famiy as i used to play and mix with them as also the ENsors up the double knacks and the big yard at the bottom of the street with the air raid shelter and across from dyson hall ;
my cousins lived at number ten park st by dyson hall and a ten houses from the vine the marsdons was my dads sister and my cousins
and he worked as a dray man at ansells ; best wishes astonian;
Thank you for your reply on dyson hall i do not supose they caught anybody for it did they '
so jons family lived at 133 lichfield rd i would have known him and your mother if she served in the good old cross guns
i was always popping in there we had relies up the opening just past there by old robinsons
would you recall the sargents family as kids we would always chase each other up the entries
and down across the gully there was a family whom one of them was in the navvy used to see him from time to time
and always me and my mate colin gaskin ; used to fight with the family down here we we was kids usal slaing off to each other or throwing stones as you used to do when you are kids and all that mischiefe and taking the empty milk bottle from out side old mrs cox milk crates and claimining the penny from mrs barnes across the rd from her which was next to thompsons but she got wised up and never left her crates out side again ;
so you would recall the claribelle charabang he had two on the lichfield rd facing the terrace of lichfield rd of the cake shop and the open yard where you could get off the tram and walk through into wainwright street those were the days toastie best wishes Astonian;
I have just found this forum, as I Googled Wainwright St, what a surprise so I have registered so I can join in, I used to live at 9/45 almost opposite the Gully, took a ride down there a couple of years ago, the only remaining building is The Manor Tavern, I went in and it is almost the same, although the piano isn't there now, my mom and dad used to go there very regular, we kids used to sit outside and listen to them singing, It was the Mobley's that were the Licencee and they had a son named Kenneth he was in my class at Vicarage road school, I also used to go to Dyson Hall, for Sunday school and St John's ambulance brigade, also a club.
HI lily ;
welcome aboard the best site aroundand you wil no regrett it beleive me and i recall your famly of the sargents very well
and i recal the moberly and keneh and i used to attend dyson hall for sunday school every sunday with out fail and i used to sing in the church choir there as well
on the evening and do you recal the old sunday school trips on the old sharra bangsfrom blue bells to start with he only had one bus then got two
in years gone bye i have mentionion you and your family along with another person whom was a sargents and especialy the sargents from the gully
i lived acros the lichfield rd by aston the cake shop and thomsons as a kid i spent alot of time with most of the kidsin wainwright street and portland stret
in later in life i met up with alot of the old familys from wainwright street top and botom
do yu recall mr lloyed the old cobbler at the top of the gully facing robbos the veggie shop
lily i could go on but i bet have to stop for a moment and give you chane to give us some of your memos and stories of old aston
look foreward to hearing from you son in fact we all do look forward to hearing fom you take care best wishes Astonian;;;;
Hi Allybest

As you lived in Wainwright street I was wondering if you could jog my memory I am Astonian born and bred around the corner
from where you lived but I just want to asked the question what was the name of the street at the bottom of Wainwright Street please
I do know that it was park street where Dyson hall was but what was the name of the street continuing along to Thimblemill Lane please
As I sort of a mental block just of late if you cannot recall yourself may mike or someone else can just tell me?

Many thanks Astonian,,,,,
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Hi Astonian
sorry I can't answer that as I was 5 when we left, I will ask my Mom she may remember. We went back on Sunday to have a look around the area things have changed so much. Will try and upload some photos this week.

It was Wainwright Street all the way down to the Duke of Wellington pub on the corner of Thimble Mill Lane.


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Hi Steve do you have any old photos of Wainwright st? It would be great to see them if you did, can't get anything off the net.