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  • Thread starter Thread starter Dorothy Dodson
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re tower road aston

JOHN , This is the out side of the ANX in Tower Rd, in the Pic is My Mom & Dad + My Brother we are just of on our holidays down to Devon in the 1960s.
We lived in the house to the left of the pic; the opening at the side lead to H.P. vinagar brewery car park
Is this the way you remember it?
thats how I remember It, I was at school there
some where between 1951 / 1954 in the juniors
thanks john
Hi John, this is just one more taken on the day we set off on our Hols from out side the U.T.S. ANX (Ellen Knox Mission Hall) Tower Rd. (The young Lady standing by Dads car was later to become my wife, in June 1962).
Just two more pics of That mission hall in Tower Road.
They show my mom & dads wedding party in 1933, the thing about these pics IS that in 1933 little did my mom & dad know that they would be living in the house to the right of this pic; 173 TOWER ROAD (you can see the bedroom window from which the picture of the HP vats was taken, posted before on this topic) & my mom would be caretaker for the Upper Thomas St School Annex housed in that building.

Aston i remember your mom so well as she was aunt Elsie's best friends, I used to come over and do her hair when I came to see nan and aunt Elsie on a Saturday straight from work at Mavis's on the Litchfield rd. I had to come to nans every Saturday as she would get Moms meat from our relation Coopers butchers in New Town I think, I have seen an article about his shop on here. My dads brothers daughter married Mr coppers son Ray.
My gt gt grandparants were living at 6 court 6 house in Tower Road in 1904. Where would this have sat on the map in relation to the vats etc....?
Hi all of you ex-Tower Road people,
It sems you have a great reunion on the go!! See attached pictures - the only contribution I can make.
does anyone remember the Bull family they lived in back to back houses in tower road, down the large entry by the newsagent the people who ran the newsagents had a son named Leonard (1960s).
My Gt Nan and Grandad lived in Tower Road Rose and Isaac Sargent, next door to them lived her sister Dora and her husband Samuel Hanson, and then my Gt Nan's daughter my aunty Rosie moved there too after she married with her husband Tommy Wells, It was around the 40's/50's so if anyone remembers them it would be great. Had a look at the pics posted and there's some great ones, i was amazed how big the gardens were, i'm sure mom has some pics of them. I'll have to dig them out
Do you now the house number that your Gt Nan& Gt Grandad lived, the name SARGENT ring a bell? Think I may heared my late folks talk about the name.
I lived at 173 from 1947 till 1962 with my Nan Woolley, Mom & Dad (Nan passed away around 1953). before that Nan & hubby Albert lived at back of 155 up the side of HP Vinagar works (THAT IN THE CENTRE PART OF TOWER ROAD NOT THE LOWER SAUCE FACTORY)
POST 62 photo was take from the front of 173 looking directly over the road to the out door of Mrs Rudge.
Hi Baron, i am not sure what the number was, I will give my aunt a ring later and see what she remembers, she's in Devon now, i'm not sure my mom would remember the number, my Nan and aunts lived there for some time tho. Grandad Isaac was a bit of a character, so he'd be remebered, him and Uncle Sammy Hanson were real jokers apparently.
hello Aston my granddad and grandmother lived in tower road near the HP factory they were Charles and Alice Coughlin not sure what what number it was in the 1930s 40s
Allen Gibson
Hi Allen,As I have said I did not live in Aston untill 1947 & if my memory is not letting down, lower Tower Rd only had houses down th left hand side going towards Aston Cross, the last building opposite the pub was the Maypole store, out side of which the SALVATION ARMY would hold their Sunday open air meetings. (any one remember?)
Just passed the lower lefthand gate into HP Offices was the News agents ( cannot remember her name?) .
As a kid one thing sticks out! a lady living in the lower part of Tower Rd, havng a foot that had to have a large thick sole due to her one leg being shorter than the other.Funny how things like that stay with you from childhood?
Hi PATTY, which one are you, I have Malc;Pat Haynes, our DAVID, but the rest do you know who they are,
As you know the photo was taken at the back of 173 Tower Rd just over from your Nans outdoor, I have no date (could be around 1951)

Hi everyone, just discovered all these discussions on Tower Road. My grandparents lived there for a few decades at 9 Court 4 Tower Road; 13 court 8 Tower Road; 6 back 77 Tower Road and 7court 6h Tower Road. They moved a lot, but just down or across the road! Their name was Jones - and were there from around 1900 to 1955ish (Ernest Albert & Emma - children Albert, Violet, Beatrice & Lilian). Emma then remarried John Bryant. I don't suppose anyone remembers them?

Names researched: Hudson, Jones, Glanville, Ellis, Kendrick, Caddick, Cotton, Lines.
I thought I was the one behind our Malcolm but my sister says its not me????? was the other girl Ann Brittian they used to live up the entry by nans by the bomb site as we called it, she always had a runny nose how strange the things you recall

looking again it's got to be me as I have my hand on his shoulder, I idolised him and I don't think I would be very far away and certainly wouldn't let them put their hand anywhere near him
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Hi Patty, yes that name Ann Brittain RING BELLS. I rembmber my mom useing the name Mrs Brittain, as DAVID IS 6 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME, I did not know many of his pals.Did Mrs Brittain own the shop over the road from the outdoor just below our house?
I am sure that you behind Malc; NOW as WHEN I LOOK CLOSER neather of the other two look like your forum pic; YOU STILL HAVE THAT LOOK.
My husbands gm/gf lived at 12 Tower Rd...Potters Hill end, they were lou and lily Summerfield....no 12 was Rons 2nd home as his parents roamed quite a lot...when we were courting and Ron was in the RAF no 12 was home to him...his cousin Roy Carne was raised by their g/mother so no 12 was home to him also ......does any one remember Roy and his cousins Ron& Harry Phillips.....Brenda
Brenda, having known you, Ron and Roy Carne all these years, I never knew Ron and Roy were cousins. You learn something new every day!
Sylvia, just goes to show were never to old to learn, Roys mother and Rons mother were sisters, Roys mother died when he was quite young so his g/m and g/f raised him....Brenda
No Keith Mrs Brittian lived up the entry by the side of nans outdoor, there was like a bombpit I think we called it at the back of nans shop, it was like a big square of waste ground and there was some terraced houses still on the right hand side. Ann lived there. There were wash houses at the end of the row of houses I can remember those and Aunt Elsie and nans back yard opened up at the back onto this
YES Patty, It comes back when one is reminded, We called it the BOMBDIES I remember we used to hold our bonefire nights on the area at the back of your nans, it was a great place to play in and around those poor houses that were some ones homes once.
Keith if I see Malcolm I will ask him to look through his photo's of his moms and see if there is any of interest he will let me borrow
ANY PHOTOS of that time in Tower Rd would be much appreciated Patty as I can add to the growing information I am putting together for our family tree file (which I intend to pass on to the grankids)