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Gerrard Street


Staff member
could anyone oglige with any photos of gerrard street please. my aunt joyce purnell used to live there and would love to see the old street again. thanks. wales.
Were there any noted churches or business premises located here? Might be able to resource from that angle maybe.
ON THE CORNERNER They Was domino mad in there And vERY Roudy ,
hi astonian. being an expert on pubs you will know that the union is still there also the gunmakers. dad still plays against the gunmakers at dominos. had to give up the darts team when his eyes failed a bit. do you remember flights coaches. wasnt that in berners street. wales.
Hello Wales
If my memory serves me correct yes Flights coaches was in Berners street,when i was growing up it was called Whittles and then it became Flights it was right next door to my Gran Oldfields and later my Uncle Alan and Uncle Jim lived there
hi pam i live in the next road to an old flights coach driver from the 50s. i have a photo of it so i got it copied and took it round to him. he was delighted to have it as one of the coaches in the picture used to be his coach. hes got fond memories of that time and still attends the drivers reunions. in the photo you will see a table with cups on it. i think he said it was taken at the time of the brighton rally. will have to confirm that with him. do you know he has still got his old uniform complete with cap. anyway here is the photo. dont know which side of flights your relatives lived but i think there is a house to the left of it. wales
Yes The Both Pubs Are Still There And Very Much Pulling In The Punters ,
I AlsoHave A Very Good Memory Of The Gun Makers ,
But I Certanly Won,nt Explain To The Extent Of That Good Memory, I Occasionionly
Go PastThem Pubs And I Always Give Them A Look, And Think Of My Memorys
Have A Nice Day Wales Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;;;;
hi astonian. i thought you may have memory or two of the pubs. you and my dad should get together. im sure between you a book entitled OUR PUB MEMORIES could be written ha ha. my aunt lived at num 131 gerrard st so any other photos would be appreciated. you have a nice day. wales.
hi... just got back from the central library and managed to find this pic of gerrard st..looks like the no 8 bus turning from wheeler street....

Hi Lyn - great photograp. I may be wrong but I think that the bus is coming from Nursery Road (Hockley) towards Wheeler Street? The chip shop was on the corner of Berners Street/gerrard Street I think? Mabz
hi mabz...have to differ on that..dont forget gerrard street started half way up nursery road so the bus must be coming round from wheeler street going down nursery road towards where it would turn at h.samuels... bet someone will know for sure...so i stand to be corrected..

Lyn - I stoop to your immense knowledge of the old end but the building behind the bus looks like the church/hall on the corner of Lozells Street/Gerard Street where I used to go to the cubs? Dib-Dib Mabz
lol mabz... i will take me lap top down to moms tomorrow and ask her... failing that my auntie would be the best one as she lived in gerrard st for over 30 years..... dib dib dib dob dob dob.....

catch you later...

mabz.. ive just thought.. we could both be wrong as gerrard st ran accross wheeler st finishing at alma st....its the bus that bothers me... i was sure it was turning either into or out of wheeler st...my eyes not being what they were i cant tell which way its facing...lol

Remember the road comes uphill and then bends by the Union, hence the impression could be it's turning a corner. So my bet would be picture taken looking down towards corner by Union.

hi all...3 great pics of gerrard st here....

all originally posted by ray griffiths i am just posting them for him under the correct thread...

Does anyone remember a greengrocers on one of the corners in Gerrard Street, I think it may have been called Sargeants but not sure, a friend of mine's brother-in-law used to own it and I would love to see her again.
The greengrocers you're talking about was indeed called Sargeants - it was on the corner of Gerrard St and William Street which was the street I was born in ( 1953 ) The man who ran it was Jack Sargeant. I lived at 1/51 and just a few doors up in the street was the Gough Arms pub and a couple of doors down in the other direction was our local shop Eaves stores run by a Doris Eaves and her son Barry
I suppose that the picture on post 19 is about 60s sometime. If you google the same location today, only the Gunmakers Arms is left...the rest has gone. Someone was looking for that very spot a couple of years ago. I think the numbering there would have been about 160/130 would it not.
Some additional info which might be of use/interest to you Ditone : Jack Sargeant went to live in Streetly after William Street disappeared - Blackwood Road to be precise - I only know this because on the demise of William Street I went to live with my grandparents in Streetly and saw Jack quite often as he lived opposite a row of shops in Blackwood Rd where my nan used to send me on 'errands'
Thanks for that info silhouette might try and check that out. Ditone
hi ray...they are already on this thread...you have posted them before and i transfered them to here for you......

looking forward to seeing some more if you have any.....

Had look in phone book cannot find anyone at that address or name.

Sorry to hear you've drawn a blank, but I am talking about the mid to late '60s and I suppose they may have moved elsewhere - Electoral rolls will give you names and dates for occupancy of that short row of houses - (you'll have to go there for the numbers ) Check the last year that Jack was there and then you could check if any neighbour is still there from that time - they might know where they went - its a very long shot I know, but it will test any detective skills you may have !!
Thanks for picci have been spelling the name wrong so will look again. Ditone
hi rember jacks shop i used to go in there when i was a kid when we lived in
furnace lane number 9 ,and there used to be another shop rigth across from it can t
rember the name of it , i wonder does anyone rember the newsagent that was on
the conner of furnace lane and gerrard st in the 1960s would love to see a photo
thank you mary.