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family tree printing


knowlegable brummie
Hi can nyone help! I have input my family tree into Ancestry and have downloaded a GEO file and input into the Family Tree Builder software as it allows me to add marraige dates and occupations etc. However I would love to know how I can print it showing all information. It has 6 generations and I want it to show all siblings etc (it will only show for the first generation up from my dad). Ideally I want to be able to print it on A3 or export to a large JPEG for someone else to print for me. Can anyone advise how to do this or a better package to use? The sooner the better would be good for me as my trial runs out on Ancestry this week and I really want to get this sorted. Thanks in advance. Nat
natty, Sorry I can't help you with the Ancestry Family Tree but have you considered constructing your own tree using Excel spreadsheet software? I have produced many of my own which are tailored to my own requirements rather than that of someone else's ideas. You can draw the actual tree lines by using the underling key and the vertical line key (see extreme top left key on your keyboard. Experiment and remember to keep saving so that you don't lose the work already created. Have a go! Regards. willey