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St. John's Approved School

I worked at St Johns for 2 years. It had 3 open units and Pentlands, I was there when Pentlands first opened. The headmaster was Ron McKale and the deputy was Pi Colclough. My name is Gerald White and I always did my best to care for the youngsters in St Johns. Best wishes to everyone...Garden Gerald.
I remember Mr McKale, Mr B, Gil Lewis and Mrs Colclough very well. I wish I could leave a link here for a book but you'll just have to look for Eskay Teel on amazon. It's an autobiography and features A LOT about St Johns and some of the people and. of course, the kids (of which I was one).
Hello Everyone
I have read these posts today and they disgust me Who else was taken to court from St Johns. Best wishes, Garden Gerald.
The case that you're referring to was just one... but another member of staff was found guilty of stealing a pen! which I found hysterical!
Goodness knows what the pen was made of. Having shared that info... I must also add that I have utmost respect and fond memories for a lot of staff in St. Johns... Mr McKale especially. Look up Eskay Teel on amazon to see a new autobiography which has LOTS about St Johns' in it. Most likely, you'll recognise the people even though all the names have been changed.
I was 13 when I was in st johns I was in red lands unit it was not a nice place I remember Paul Jones and Mr b we also had a dance teacher that made us do strange things to music unison movement it was called I was always trying to abscond always looking around for a little blue commer van with 6 white dots on the side the head of st johns was Mr colclough his son at the time played for england rugby Maurice colclaugh I hated some of the staff for reasons that cannot be aired but there were one or two good staff anyone wishing to contact me regarding st johns please do so oh and I must mention edit: one of the staff who had me face down a few times in back of van with my arms up my back lol
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You were there when I was there Gerald did you do the moors walk and the holiday in Germany Helgoland in fact remember the song that came out was hands up lol and we went to France too
I was made to sit for days not allowed to interact they used to come out at CIG time with a box and your cigs had your name on and they used to give you one unless you were on bad behaviour then you went without I suffer now 40 years on for me it was a bad place
Staff I remember and sadly one member of staff who suddenly died when I was there
Paul Jones
Gil lewis ( bum fluff )
Mr b
Malcolm east
James smith ( mr gum)
And the Scotsman who was a member of staff for a short time who sadly passed whilst there can't remember his name but a real nice fella non the less
Hi all,I would just like to say a thank you Jim for all your help with this site.I was in St johns chs in late 70s early 80s. I remember be taken up the drive and walking in that big front door,if you went left at the door there was a massive walk way with mesh above your head. Then if you went to the left was kitchen and unit called redlands,but if you went right there was adoor to the back of the building and when you go though that door, on the left was pentlands(secure unit 4beds. But just at the side of pentlands there was a door which went some steps,when I asked what the home was before I was told about the nuns and that little room below was where they sent when naughty. On the back wall was marks of days and other writing. It was astore cupboard when st johns was a chs. I remember them gates,and I can't believe they took tennis courts away and pulled down woodsong all for new secure unit. Which is now not in use. Always remember Mr b and Jones. I went back to visit afew times. I have aphoto of the main entrance but haven't aclue how to load to this site. Any help would be grateful,I'm not to good with computers lol. Take care all.
I also remember that. I herd it's all closed down now. Not sure but there was a big investigation in edit: one of the staff and edit: one of the staff in pentlands.
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I Know the team that's there now moved from cherry st B'ham to st johns (kingsmere). I remember we did a charity walk on the moors but the weather got so bad we had to end the walk. Gilbert (bertie bum fuff) was one of the staff who went with us. We had to wear these old hiking boots and walk the cannels to get us used to walking on the moors. Did they still do the exchange with wolfgang and Jan warner when you was there?. We went to heilgoland it was beautiful island,we learnt the history of it and we learnt how strong German beer was,lol ;-). I remember Mr b used to always give us lines after school,but thanks to his stationary cupboard I learnt what carbon paper was good for :). Even tryed taping three pens together lol. Tc all
I remember doing the filming for the childacadomy awards. We won that year. The gymnastics award.
I remember that edit: one member of staff He was hateful. Edit: And another. He kicked me half to death and nobody even as much as batted an eye lid. Edit to remove named person .....got me in pentlands and hammerd me. That edit to remove named person ....was there and she shut the cell door to drown my screaming. They reckon she's a psychiatric nurse. She caused more damage with her emotional abuse than enough. Pushing kids to breaking point knowing they couldn't retaliate or another kicking would follow. It was a vile place to be. Bullying control freaks that abused there power
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I Know the team that's there now moved from cherry st B'ham to st johns (kingsmere). I remember we did a charity walk on the moors but the weather got so bad we had to end the walk. Edit to remove named staff .....was one of the staff who went with us. We had to wear these old hiking boots and walk the cannels to get us used to walking on the moors. Did they still do the exchange with wolfgang and Jan warner when you was there?. We went to heilgoland it was beautiful island,we learnt the history of it and we learnt how strong German beer was,lol ;-). I remember Mr b used to always give us lines after school,but thanks to his stationary cupboard I learnt what carbon paper was good for :). Even tryed taping three pens together lol. Tc all
Yes I remember edit:to remove names. them
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Hi Bob
Its seems that you have had the question answered about whether not it existed so I presume ylou worked there then or not.but the answer
Is yes given by previous people it excisted
But had they not answered I would have told you yes ,as I know of two lads whom was sent there in 1959 and they said it was a rough place and a rough time
They got I know these lads very well since we was kids in fact and I can recall them being sent there
After coming out one of the two brother the older of the two got killed on his motor bike not long coming out of that place
He got killed taking his girl friend home on the back of his motor bike by the cross roads by that pub
His younger brother is still alive older now obvisiuosly with grown up kids and happily. Married
They said it was a wicked place for anybody to be sent there at such an early age these tow lads was from stour street
In those days there was lots of kids being sent za way to these so called approved schools from Aston and Ladywood
And spark brook area its seems it was the inner parts of brum where they all come from
But he's there was cruelitity and abuse from staff there on the subject of some one betting the cane
It wonder how it was dished out by the head ,and no disrespe t to the religion of Nunn's but they had a reputation for being
Hard and harsh with kids but I won't go on about that there's been other place where strictly Nunn's have ruled the pace of corrections
With wicked temperaments there was a situation of another approve school where the head master was brought to book
Where this guy whom I will not name even thou he as passed away like most of these people whom was in these postions
Did use mistreatment and abuse but this guy virtually ran 15 Yards at these young kids with a couple of very fine canes
He lituary marked them black and blue and all colours to there hands and the bottoms and had them bleeding
When this operation took place investigating these home a couple of them was sent to jail for many years
The head master played the old card of mental break down to avoid going to jail he succeeded in doing that and he said I gave them the cane
For dispensary reasons but they never seen the fuel damage he done to these kids he should have been hung yet alone
Let off by the jury there was to many people in these homes as carriers that should have been in there
Still some of these carriers have died unfortunelatly but there are some still out there in hiding as old as they are
But according to the documentary last week on the case last week the main culprit went abroad and found to be dead
So he is off the hook a couple of years back the police went to america to see people whom emigrated in finding them
Still I do not want to go on but I will close now on it but answering your question he's it was there as a hell hole like some one said recently
I was there. It was a hell hole.fear ran through some of our veins.
The case that you're referring to was just one... but another member of staff was found guilty of stealing a pen! which I found hysterical!
Goodness knows what the pen was made of. Having shared that info... I must also add that I have utmost respect and fond memories for a lot of staff in St. Johns... Mr McKale especially. Look up Eskay Teel on amazon to see a new autobiography which has LOTS about St Johns' in it. Most likely, you'll recognise the people even though all the names have been changed.
I remember you. Lol. Donna wilkes
Is there anyone at all - anywhere - who remembers this 'School'? I believe it is now called St.Johns Community School. Its on Gravelly Hill, Erdington. I've looked on Friends Re-united, Been all through Google, and I can't find any record of the place ever having existed. There must be someone out there that was there round about 1959/60. It seems that they made it a co-ed after that, but no previous records. Help!!
I would love to get in touch with some of my old friends from those days. It was run by the Sisters of Charity. Huh!! Some charity that was.
Any donations gratefully received. SALLY
The girls that attended, I have to say, didn't necessarily come from Birmingham. Most of them came from the Manchester, London, Liverpool areas.
I was in St.Johns from 79 until 82. Would like to contact anyone who was there at that time.
I Know the team that's there now moved from cherry st B'ham to st johns (kingsmere). I remember we did a charity walk on the moors but the weather got so bad we had to end the walk. Gilbert (edit to remove nickname )was one of the staff who went with us. We had to wear these old hiking boots and walk the cannels to get us used to walking on the moors. Did they still do the exchange with wolfgang and Jan warner when you was there?. We went to heilgoland it was beautiful island,we learnt the history of it and we learnt how strong German beer was,lol ;-). I remember Mr b used to always give us lines after school,but thanks to his stationary cupboard I learnt what carbon paper was good for :). Even tryed taping three pens together lol. Tc all
I still have nightmares about edit ........ “Dictionary exercise". I went to Heligoland with them too. What's your name?
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What years were you there?
Donna were you in Lawnswood or Redlands? I was on all units at different times including Pentlands secure unit. I was always on the run. I sued Birmingham Social services & got compensation due to treatment while in care. I remember the name Donna. There was only one Donna in there. Just can't put a face to the name. Drop me an email if you like. (Edit removed email address for privacy. Use BHF messaging - click on small envelope at top of page to contact member)
Take care
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I was there. It was a hell hole.fear ran through some of our veins.
I was there....sued social services for abuse. 2 edit: staff went to prison. One died in prison....karma. I was messed up for a long time but got closure. Take care.
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I am presuming it's same place up on gravelly hill but by the sounds of it I begin to wonder , the new school was built across the road from it and that I also attended
Yes on Gravelly Hill North. Was a community Home School. I was there for a few years in the early 80s. Spent most of my time being "restrained" by staff or trying to escape. It was a time where abuse was the norm. I ended up suing Birmingham Social services & won my case & was compensated but no amount of money would compensate me for the time I spent in "care". St.Johns was one of the better kids homes but was still a hole. I've seen a few other kids who were in there with me....mostly in prison. Also bumped into an old staff member (who was one of the nicer ones) while I was busking in London. He gave me a fiver lol. Did you know anyone from St.Johns? Take care
I was there 80/81/82 and sounds like the same (edit) was happening then as well. I gave statement to police about TENNAL school staff & 2 were convicted but they never asked about St.Johns. Sounds like we had the same experiences. Hope you're coping ok now. It's atrocious the stuff they got away with. Take care
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I too worked at St John's from 1992 - 2005 when the secure unit closed.

Christine Bill I remember your name, can't put a picture to it though.

I have the punishment book somewhere for the old St John's going back years. I'll dig it out and look up some names.

Hi bob. Bet you won't find my name in there. Lol