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Paddington Street Aston

Hi Susan

Unfortunately I haven't which is a real shame, nowadays people take photos all the time don't they?

Hello Sylvia
Hope you're well. Thought I'd have a look on the Internet as was over the old end last week showed my little granddaughter Price Street where Mom lived as a child. Took a picture of Lily by the pub which remains there a hundred years after her grandmother would have been living there. It was this trip that made me look to see if anything on the net as we have only memories because all the buildings are gone and streets changed. Looks like you're a regular!

hi again di...glad you like the pics of paddington st..i note that your gran and mom lived in price st...our member lynne webbs grandad also lived there...quite possably at the same time so maybe you could swap years

Hello Di, my grandparents, name Gallagher, lived in Dairy Terr. Price St. from just after 1912 till my grandad moved out in around 1938. Lyn and I worked it out that Dairy Terr. was where the carpark is now.
Hi Lynne
Mom was born in 1912 not sure if she was born there but lived there as a youngster as far as I know. She left there when she got married in 1935. My dad was from New John St which was not far away from Price St. Like I say I'm sure my maternal grandmother was Webb but don't know where she lived before Price Street.
well how good is that di and lynne both of your rellies were living in price st at the same time..di what was your gran and moms name..

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I do seem to remember hearing that name as people both mom & dad knew when I was little, could be possible as people seemed to know each other all their lives because they didn't move far. What was lovely is that children knew the children of people their parents knew when they were young whereas now a lot of people move quite far away through uni or work.

di there should be a farm st thread if you are interested...should be a few pics on for you to look at..

Hi Di.
Nice to see you on The Forum.... Great to see the old photos isn,t it although i was only 9 when we left. The names you mention all ring a bell especially Careys and Reames.
I Recall my mom talking about a house fire in Price St? when she went to school (St Chads) would probably have been in the 30s and her friend lost most of her brothers and sisters on the xmas eve.
Hi Margaret

Yes it is lovely to see the photos had a lot of happy times there. It makes you wonder how everyone fitted in to those little houses particularly with no bathroom so all hair washing and washing down had to be done in the kitchen. I recall that when our Carole used to wash her very long hair you couldn't get in the kitchen for about 2 hours!! Mr Bellinger who owned the shop was quite fearsome. I used to hate it when on a Wednesday or Thursday someone in the house would send me to ask him if they could have 10 cigarettes until pay day he used to chunter and make a note on his pad of what you'd had. I don't know why he moaned because as soon as it was pay day he got his money.

Regarding the fire in Price Stret don't recall hearing anything from Mom about that.

Hi Margaret

Yes it is lovely to see the photos had a lot of happy times there. It makes you wonder how everyone fitted in to those little houses particularly with no bathroom so all hair washing and washing down had to be done in the kitchen. I recall that when our Carole used to wash her very long hair you couldn't get in the kitchen for about 2 hours!! Mr Bellinger who owned the shop was quite fearsome. I used to hate it when on a Wednesday or Thursday someone in the house would send me to ask him if they could have 10 cigarettes until pay day he used to chunter and make a note on his pad of what you'd had. I don't know why he moaned because as soon as it was pay day he got his money.

Regarding the fire in Price Stret don't recall hearing anything from Mom about that.


Hi Di,

You must have been the little un' I remember Albert and Carol and of course your mom & dad. Your mom used to spit on Alberts head to keep his hair down...

Dave A
Hi Dave
Yes I am "our babby".
Where did you live then? Unfortunately Albert is no longer with us. He had lovely hair so the spit must have worked.
hi dave did you see the new photos of paddington st i found...they start on post 27

all the best

this one is taken on the other side of the road looking towards guildford st..i am so hoping that topsy turveys house is on this one i think she was at no 37..taken july 1964..

Just noticed the date this was taken I still lived there then, 3rd house past the shop (Bellingers) looking toward Guildford Street. We left in February '65 and I remember I cried!! I'm meeting up with someone from Porchester Street next week so will take this picture along.
Hi Dave
Yes I am "our babby".
Where did you live then? Unfortunately Albert is no longer with us. He had lovely hair so the spit must have worked.

I lived at 4/52, behind the Robinsons and the Friels...Too bad about Albert, we called him Bert, and Carole was Beryl, for obvious reasons...is she still around? Quite a girl in her day, someone you didn't tangle with. Albert had a cowlick and your mom would not let him go anywhere with that hair standing up, that's why she would spit on it and flatten it out. I find it amazing, as you all must too, that we can still maintain contact with our childhood.

hi dave did you see the new photos of paddington st i found...they start on post 27

all the best


Yes, I did see them. I'm still in shock! After all these years, it still makes me very sad to see the old street. Excellent quality too, I'm always wondering who took these shots and what they took them with. Not many people had cameras back then. We had a great picture of the Paddington St.Coronation party, when many of the kids dressed up for the occasion. My sister had possession of it, but couldn't not find it. Unfortunately, she passed away a couple of years ago, so it's unlikely to surface anytime soon.

I lived at 4/52, behind the Robinsons and the Friels...Too bad about Albert, we called him Bert, and Carole was Beryl, for obvious reasons...is she still around? Quite a girl in her day, someone you didn't tangle with. Albert had a cowlick and your mom would not let him go anywhere with that hair standing up, that's why she would spit on it and flatten it out. I find it amazing, as you all must too, that we can still maintain contact with our childhood.


Hi Dave
Yes Carole aka Beryl the Peril she is in good health you're right about her she used to look after her brother!! I don't remember Friels but how could I forget Robinsons, Colin came to Berts funeral I recognised him straight away. Can you remember when they went camping and they had a massive van and loaded what seemed most of the stuff out of the house to take with them!! I loved living in Paddington St and cried when we left in 1965. don't know if you knew Gaunts in Porchester Street I'm meeting Gill for lunch today. You're right about maintaining contact that's where the technology is great.
If you let me know your surname I'll tell Carole. Lovely to talk to someone who remembers some of the same things.
Hi Dave
Yes Carole aka Beryl the Peril she is in good health you're right about her she used to look after her brother!! I don't remember Friels but how could I forget Robinsons, Colin came to Berts funeral I recognised him straight away. Can you remember when they went camping and they had a massive van and loaded what seemed most of the stuff out of the house to take with them!! I loved living in Paddington St and cried when we left in 1965. don't know if you knew Gaunts in Porchester Street I'm meeting Gill for lunch today. You're right about maintaining contact that's where the technology is great.
If you let me know your surname I'll tell Carole. Lovely to talk to someone who remembers some of the same things.

I'm Dave Astley...Good to hear that Carole is still going strong. We have so much to talk about, we'll just take it a step at a time. The Gaunts...I knew Harry, Raymond & Valerie, I don't recall Gill. The Robo's used the Yardley Removal van for their annual trip to Stourport. They would virtually empty the house of furniture, most of it was orange boxes and wireless cases, and load it in the van. They had a big bell tent that resembled a small circus tent, to put all this stuff in and off they would go for 2 weeks holiday. When they came back they would spread the tent out on the peck and try to clean some of the mud and grass that had stuck to it in the field at Stourport. We used to take the ****, but really, they did have a vacation, which was more than most of us had. The Friels, Brian, Sandra & Linda. I am still in contact with Brian...never lost it, he was my best friend and I still love him dearly. I come to the UK every couple of years and Brian, my brother Jack + an old friend from art school, go to Warners on the IOW, with the wives of course.

Hello all Paddington Streeters!!! No I m not from there, I m not even a Brummie!! but I am very proud to be a REMES! I have been researching PADDINGTON STREET as my husband was born and brought up there. I ve gone through each and every post on here and have been fascinated at the community spirit that still exists!! My husband is EDDIE REMES I think it was no 63 he lived at along with his 8 sisters and brother, yes all 10 of them! Eds Mum Vanda is still going strong, and I absolutely adore her, she loves talking about Paddington Street and the people who lived there. It would be great if anyone who lived there until around 1963, remembers any of the Remes family or lived close by would reply to us as the remaining Remes would be delighted. Many thanks Jackie.
Hello all Paddington Streeters!!! No I m not from there, I m not even a Brummie!! but I am very proud to be a REMES! I have been researching PADDINGTON STREET as my husband was born and brought up there. I ve gone through each and every post on here and have been fascinated at the community spirit that still exists!! My husband is EDDIE REMES I think it was no 63 he lived at along with his 8 sisters and brother, yes all 10 of them! Eds Mum Vanda is still going strong, and I absolutely adore her, she loves talking about Paddington Street and the people who lived there. It would be great if anyone who lived there until around 1963, remembers any of the Remes family or lived close by would reply to us as the remaining Remes would be delighted. Many thanks Jackie.

Hi Jackie
Yes I remember the Remes I used to be friends with Regina aka Gina and Pauline. I also remember Mrs Remes. I was talking about the family with someone else from the "old end" only a couple of weeks ago.
hi jackie and welcome...great to hear of someone else who lived in paddington st...please show vanda the photos that i have posted of the street...

could you ask her if she remembers my nan lily wood who lived at 4 back of 12.....nan was there from 1911 until the street was demolished in the 60s...both myself and my bro were born in nans back to back in 1953 and 56.. our parents were george and beryl harrington...

all the best jackie

hi jackie and welcome...great to hear of someone else who lived in paddington st...please show vanda the photos that i have posted of the street...

could you ask her if she remembers my nan lily wood who lived at 4 back of 12.....nan was there from 1911 until the street was demolished in the 60s...both myself and my bro were born in nans back to back in 1953 and 56.. our parents were george and beryl harrington...

all the best jackie


Hello Lyn, thank you for replying, we will be visiting Birmingham in the next week or so, and I will ask Vanda if she remembers your grandparents and your Mum and Dad, she will love this, when I get home I will show Eddie this he will be delighted too! Ed remembers bits and pieces as he was only about 5 or so when he left, its the girls who remember more as Ed was the youngest, thank you so much x Jackie
hi jackie oh thats great if you could ask vanda and please feel free to print off the old photos of paddington st that i have posted to show vanda...think it was mr townley who lived next door to nan..he kept pigeons..

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Good evening Paddington Streeters!! I have just returned from visiting Birmingham for the day, Eddie, my husband, gave me a grand tour of where Paddington St used to be! I saw Porchester St, and the Crocodile works! and even went to Summer Lane!! wow!! Have spoken to Vanda, Eddies Mum, and showed her photos, she is delighted, anyone else out there??
Good evening Paddington Streeters!! I have just returned from visiting Birmingham for the day, Eddie, my husband, gave me a grand tour of where Paddington St used to be! I saw Porchester St, and the Crocodile works! and even went to Summer Lane!! wow!! Have spoken to Vanda, Eddies Mum, and showed her photos, she is delighted, anyone else out there??

hi jackie glad you enjoyed your trip down the old end..very different now but still enough left to see..so pleased that vanda liked the photos...did you ask her if she remembered any of my family from paddington
